Media Release

K.K. Leung Officiates Wedding


TORONTO, ONTARIO -- After officiating a marriage ceremony, K.K. Leung issued the following statement:

“It has been an honour to take part in this ceremony, and I would like to extend my warm congratulations to the happy couple.

“My best wishes go to Chantal and Vincent as they embark on their future life together.”

Media Release

K.K. Leung Speaks with Ordinary Citizens, Condemns Closure of Polling Stations


UNIVERSITY—ROSEDALE, TORONTO -- K.K. Leung today issued a statement regarding the closure of polling stations in University-Rosedale:

“This is a significant problem for everyday, working Canadians. I just had to walk 15 minutes from my condo to vote, and then I waited 20 minutes in line.

“Last election I left my unit, voted in my lobby, and just went back upstairs. This is tragic.”

Media Release

K.K. Leung Lauds Swiss-Designed Cypress Mountain Track


CYPRESS MOUNTAIN, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- After participating in a maiden voyage aboard the Cypress Mountain Track, K.K. Leung lauded the track’s Swiss design today:

“Yeah, it takes you from the mountain top to the bottom. Like what they have in Switzerland.

“The guy said that’s where they imported the stuff and the designer from.”

Media Release

K.K. Leung Extols Virtues of Nature


GREATER TORONTO AREA, ONTARIO -- After filming a socially-distanced advert outdoors, K.K. Leung issued the following statement today:

“In the time of COVID-19, we have been reminded of the simpler things in life. Spending time with family, friends, and lovers.

“I strongly encourage everyone to seek out mother nature and spend some time in the wilderness. It is truly soothing for the soul.”

Media Release

K.K. Leung Assures Adequate Supply of Toilet Paper


RICHMOND, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- Wishing to assure the public that supplies are plentiful, K.K. Leung issued the following statement today:

“Behold, there is more than enough toilet paper to go around here, more than one will ever need.

“Patriotic Canadians do not hoard.”

Media Release

K.K. Leung Approvingly Comments on Toronto Developments


TORONTO, ONTARIO -- Upon his return to Toronto, K.K. Leung issued the following statement today:

“Wow there’s a massive beautiful new shoppers across the street in Manulife now and a new Eataly coming.

“Bloor Street Market got renovated and expanded, too.

“Wow, dank, an East Asian section. Wish we had this four years ago in Manulife.

“Man, I’m going to miss this city.”

Media Release

K.K. Leung Conveys Best Wishes to First-Year Associates


ON A BEACH, FRANCE -- After various events around the south of France, scuba diving, and shopping for a replacement for his iPhone damaged by water, K.K. Leung issued the following statement:

“Wishing everyone a fruitful start to work this August, I have great confidence in all of you.”

Media Release

K.K. Leung Observes Street Action


MARSEILLE, FRANCE -- At the conclusion of his fact-finding mission in Marseilles, K.K. Leung observed street action today following a soccer event.

“It's a riot,” said Karlson. “I urge for peace and conciliation.”


K.K. Leung Part En Vacances


AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE -- K.K. Leung est arrivé à la France aujourd'hui, commençant ses études en français à l'institut prestigeux IS Aix-en-Provence.

« Aix-en-Provence, où il fait d'habitude 35 à 40 degrés pour l'été, sera mon domicile pendant que je réalise mon rêve de toujours d'apprendre le français 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, » remarque Karlson.

Media Releases

K.K. Leung Attends Community Event


TORONTO, ONTARIO -- K.K. Leung attended a community event featuring crispy boys and burgers today.

“I was privileged to have enjoyed good honest salty snacks and refreshments today. I commend the crispy boys to all Flavellians,” said Karlson.

Media Releases

K.K. Leung Ushers in the New Year


TORONTO, ONTARIO -- K.K. Leung issued the following statement today on the eve of the New Year:

“I would like to wish all Flavellians a Happy New Year. As we enter 2019, let us dedicate ourselves anew to friendship, health, and service to our fellow citizens.”


Media Releases

K.K. Leung Concedes Election, Congratulates Katie Longo


TORONTO, ONTARIO -- K.K. Leung congratulated Ms. Longo on her election as Valedictorian.

“Tonight, I spoke with Katie and congratulated her on her election as Valedictorian. I would like to thank all Flavellians for participating in this exciting race,” said Karlson.

Media Releases

K.K. Leung Enters Valedictorian Race


TORONTO, ONTARIO -- K.K. Leung today announced he would serve as Valedictorian (Class of 2018) if elected.

“I am as surprised and confused as you are, but mostly just inspired by the talent and countless spare time that the creators behind this have,” said Karlson.

Media Releases

K.K. Leung Congratulates Law Ball Royalty

TORONTO, ONTARIO -- K.K. Leung issued the following statement today on the occasion of the 2018 Law Ball:

“I would like to congratulate the Law Ball royalty, as well as everyone who participated in the dance-off, for their excellent moves.

“I also offer my heartfelt gratitude to the Organizing Committee of the Carbolic Smoke Ball and to all those who made this event possible.”

Media Releases

K.K. Leung Attends Toronto Tea Festival

TORONTO, ONTARIO -- K.K. Leung attended the Toronto Tea Festival, closing out his visit today with the purchase of a clay teapot.

“I have always wanted to attend the Tea Festival,” said King. “It is one of life’s simpler pleasures.”

“It is always very important to season your teapot prior to use so that you can lock in those flavours in the clay.”

Media Releases

K.K. Leung to Offer Individualized Coffee Tasting Experiences

TORONTO, ONTARIO -- The K.K. Leung Foundation today announced it is offering a limited-time, individualized coffee tasting session hosted by K.K. Leung to the public.

A representative said, “We believe people would be interested in the opportunity to participate in this one-hour tasting experience with a personalized individual Karlson guide.”

Customization options including coffee, tea, chairs, suits, fabrics, paper, and pen experiences are available. Contact the Foundation for more information.


Lord Mosonyi M.R.: The King, a Symbol of Unity

In schooltime the King is the delight of everyone. As Flavellians, we are working to build a Flavelle that is vibrant, strong, and united. Having known Karlson ‘King’ Leung for the past couple of years, I can safely say that he is indeed a unifying figure at U of T Law.

Whether it is King’s dedication to international human rights, his interest in collecting tea, or his professed love for novel doctrine, there can be no doubt that his many qualities have provided countless hours of good humour and liveliness to our daily routine at the 78 Queen’s Park.

Media Releases

K.K. Leung Returns from Fact-Finding Mission in Geneva

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- HM King Leung completed the European tour of his fact-finding mission where he examined, inter alia, the gastronomic and hospitality standards of various capitals. Upon the termination of his inquiry, HM King submitted photo essays and reports to social media and returned to Vancouver.

Media Releases

K.K. Leung Issues Statement on ExamSoft Problems

TORONTO, ONTARIO -- K.K. Leung issued the following statement on instances of exam writing problems precipitated by software crashes:

“We need exam software that works for everyone.”

Media Releases

Ready for K.K. Leung

TORONTO, ONTARIO -- The Friends of the K.K. Leung Foundation today announced the launching of the “Ready for K.K. Leung” campaign on Mark Dzurman, Director of Regulatory Compliance & Enforcement at the K.K. Leung Foundation, said, “I have known King for a long time now and he is a solid lad. I think this will help get his message out to the base.”